

Journal articles:

  • “Caught between sovereignty and solidarity? A multidimensional revisitation of EU mass-elite congruence” (with A. Pareschi & G. Baldini), Italian Political Science Review 53:1 (Mar. 2023): 3-23
  • “Bread or Circuses? Repoliticization in the Italian Populist Government Experience” (with G. Baldini), Government and Opposition 56:3 (Jul. 2021): 505-24
  • Plutocratic Leadership in the Electoral Arena: Three Mitteleuropean Cases of Personal Wealth in Politics,” Comparative European Politics, 18:3 (Jun. 2020): 309-29
  • “Italy 2018: The Perfect Populist Storm?” (with G. Baldini), Parliamentary Affairs, 73:2 (Apr. 2020): 363-84
  • “Do Changing Electoral Systems Affect (Corrupt) Particularistic Exchanges? Evidence from the Italian Case” (with S. Piattoni), Politics and Governance, 8:2 (2020): 78-91
  • “Letture di George Orwell, dal socialismo al populismo,” Nuova Informazione Bibliografica 16:4 (Oct.-Dec. 2019): 697-709 [in Italian]
  • “Premessa” (with A. Dal Lago), Aut Aut special section “Nuove forme di sorveglianza,” 384 (Dec. 2019): 141-5 [in Italian]
  • “Diffidenza generalizzata e diffidenza specifica nell’epoca della sorveglianza informatica,” Aut Aut special section “Nuove forme di sorveglianza,” 384 (Dec. 2019): 178-88 [in Italian]
  • Kings, Jesters or Kingmakers? European Populist Parties as a Microcosm for Celebrity Politics” (with G. Baldini), British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 21:3 (Aug. 2019): 576-93
  • Wealth, Status, and Faction in Machiavelli’s Worldview,” Il Pensiero Politico 51:1 (Jan. 2018): 3-27
  • The Self as Legitimate Target: Self-Sacrifice and Self-Determination in Mazzini and Gandhi,” Politics, Religion & Ideology 18:1 (Mar. 2017): 23-41
  • «Il deputato della bellezza»: Gabriele d’Annunzio’s Aesthetic Politics in the Fin-de-siècle Crisis,” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 18:4 (Aug. 2013): 500-20

Book chapters:



  • Pier Paolo Giglioli, “Introduzione.” Translated as “Forward,” Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa special issue “Erving Goffman’s first 100 years,” 15:1 (Jan.-Apr. 2022): 5-12
  • Alessandro Dal Lago, “La vita come gambling. Ovvero quello che credo di aver imparato da Goffman giocando a Las Vegas.” Translated as “Life as Gambling, or, what I think I learned from Goffman by gambling in Las Vegas,” Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa special issue “Erving Goffman’s first 100 years,” 15:1 (Jan.-Apr. 2022): 115-31
  • Nussbaum, Martha, The Monarchy of Fear. Translated as La monarchia della paura, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2020
  • Bedoya, Alvaro & Cindy Cohn, “‘I have nothing to hide’ is another way of saying ‘I have privilege’.” Translated as ““Non ho nulla da nascondere” è un altro modo di dire “Sono privilegiato”,” Aut Aut special section “Nuove forme di sorveglianza,” 384 (Dec. 2019): 146-57
  • Doctorow, Cory, “Peak Denial.” Translated as “Il culmine del negazionismo,” Aut Aut special section “Nuove forme di sorveglianza,” 384 (Dec. 2019): 158-62
  • Goffman, Erving, “The interaction order”. Translated as L’ordine dell’interazione, Roma: Armando, 1998
  • Wagner-Pacifici, Robin, “Theorizing Contingency, or Speaking of Standoffs”. Translated as “Come teorizzare la contingenza, ovvero l’analisi degli stalli”, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 39:3 (Jul. 1998): 387-411
  • Berezin, Mabel, “Enacting Political Identity: Public Rituals as Arenas of the National Self”. Translated as “I rituali pubblici e la rappresentazione dell’identità politica”, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 39:3 (Jul. 1998): 359-86
More work is coming down the pipeline.

Research on politics