Conference activity, presentations, and invited seminars:
- February: Panelist, “Open Government Data: Cittadinanza, conoscenza e potere” seminar, Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, Università di Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy)
- April: Panelist, “Information Governance and Institutional Trust in Digital Societies: Lessons Learned, Unlearned, and Emerging Best Practices” roundtable, European Digital Media Observatory (Online)
- January: Convenor and panelist, “Information Flows and Institutional Reputation: Leveraging Social Trust in Times of Crisis” workshop, European Digital Media Observatory (Online)
- October: “Bread, Circuses, and the Plague: Populism and Repoliticization in Italy from the 2018 General Election to the Pandemic Crisis” (with G. Baldini) presented at the International Workshop on Populism and the Reconfiguration of European Identities (Online)
- October: Co-Organizer (with G. Baldini) & Panel Chair, International Workshop on Populism and the Reconfiguration of European Identities (Online)
- September: “Crowdsourcing Tropes: Online Fandom, Algorithms, and Populist Meme-making” presented at the SISP annual conference (Online)
- September: “Populism and Nationalism, Material or Symbolic: A Theoretical Exploration Informed by the Italian Case” (with G. Baldini) presented at the SISP annual conference (Lecce, Italy)
- September: Discussant, “Populism and Nationalism: Overlaps and Interplays” panel at SISP annual conference (Lecce, Italy)
- August: “The Italian Populist Coalition in Government: Testing Theories of Populism” (with G. Baldini) presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting (Washington, DC)
- June: “Populism as Deprofessionalization of Politics” presented at the 6th International Interdisciplinary Conference of Political Research: “Values in Politics” (SCOPE: Science of Politics), Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Rumania)
- May: “Bread or Circus? Long-term Anti-Political Sentiment and the Future of European Populism” (with G. Baldini) presented at the 5th Prague Populism Conference “Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity”, Charles University/Heinrich Böll Stiftung/Goethe Institut (Prague, Czech Republic)
- May: “Populism as Deprofessionalization of Politics” presented at the departmental post-doc seminar, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
- March: “Populism as Deprofessionalization of Politics” presented at an invited seminar, New College of Florida (Sarasota, FL)
- March: “What is a Nation? And Other Political Writings”, Book presentation, School of Oriental and African Studies (London, UK)
- January: “What is a Nation? And Other Political Writings”, Book presentation (CIRES seminar), Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Firenze (Firenze, Italy)
- November: Panelist, seminar on U.S. midterm elections, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
- September: Chair and discussant, “Ideology and Organization in Populist Political Parties” panel at the SISP 2018 annual conference (Torino, Italy)
- September: “Plutocratic entry and asymmetrically personalized politics: three cases from Mitteleuropa” presented at the UACES 2018 annual conference (Bath, UK)
- May: Discussant, “Populism” panel at the Midterm Social Movement Conference “1968-2018, fifty years after”, Scuola Normale Superiore (Firenze, Italy)
- May: “Kings, Jesters or Kingmakers? Celebrities in European Populist Parties” (with G. Baldini) presented at the 4th Prague Populism Conference “Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity”, Charles University/Heinrich Böll Stiftung/Goethe Institut (Prague, Czech Republic)
- May: Discussant, International Workshop “Age of Fracture: citizenship, ideologies, global politics”, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
- May: “Populism, Personalization, Plutocracy: Three Mitteleuropean Cases” presented at the ECSA-C biennial conference (Toronto, Canada)
- October: “Surveillance elettronica tra interazione strategica e fiducia nella sfera pubblica” presented at the departmental brown bag seminar, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Bologna (Bologna, Italy)
- June: “Notes on Conflict and Social Transformation: Vilfredo Pareto and the Theorization of War in the Age of Positivism” presented at the 9th SGRI Annual Conference, Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Trento, Italy)
- September: “Aesthetics Politics as a Methodological Challenge: Ideology, Strategy, and the History of Political Thought” presented at the MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory (Manchester, UK)
- September: Co-Organizer & Chair (with G. Ballacci), “Varieties of Aesthetic Politics” panel at the MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory (Manchester, UK)
- September: “Opposition to the Great War and European Pluralism” presented at the 4th European Congress on World and Global History at the Ecole normale supérieure (Paris, France)
- August: “Privacy and Anonymity: What Ethos for Transparent Politics?” presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting (Washington, DC)
- November: “The Self as Legitimate Target: National Self-Determination and Militant Self-Sacrifice, Mazzini to Gandhi through Girard” presented at the Brown bag seminar, Johns Hopkins SAIS Bologna Center (Bologna, Italy)
- August: “Aesthetic Politics as a Mode of Public Discourse and Preference Formation” presented at the American Political Science Association annual meeting (Chicago, IL)
- May: “The Lost Pathos of Legitimacy” presented at the New England Political Science Association annual meeting (Portland, ME)
- May: Discussant, “Politics in Space and Time” panel at the New England Political Science Association annual meeting (Portland, ME)
- April: “Aestheticism, Nationalism, and the Struggle over the French Revolutionary Heritage: The Case of Charles Maurras” presented at the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism annual conference, The London School of Economics (London, UK)
- April: “The Aesthetic Politics of Charles Maurras and French Nationalism in the Belle Epoque” presented at the Intellectual history workshop, New York University (New York, NY)
- April: “Wealth, Status, and Politics in Machiavelli’s Worldview” presented at the New England Political Science Association annual meeting (Portsmouth, NH)
- April: Chair and discussant, “Themes in Undergraduate Political Theory Research” panel at the New England Political Science Association annual meeting (Portsmouth, NH)
- April: “Wealth, Status, and Politics in Machiavelli’s Worldview” presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association annual meeting (San Diego, CA)
- April: Chair and discussant, “Moralism and Darwin” panel at the Southwestern Social Science Association annual meeting (San Diego, CA)
- March: “Right and Left: Meditations on Bobbio and the Present” presented at “Left and Right: The Great Dichotomy Revisited” conference, Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal)
- February: “Crisis and Legitimacy: Theoretical Perspectives” presented at “Crisis: The Santa Barbara Global Studies Conference”, University of California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, CA)
- January: “Wealth, Status, and Politics in Machiavelli’s Worldview” presented at the Research workshop in political theory, Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
- May: “Plutocracy and Plutodemocracy: Fin-de-siècle Political Thought and the Pervasive Power of Wealth in Modern Society” presented at “Perspectives on Democratic Political Thought” (postgraduate conference), University College London/Queen Mary, University of London (London, UK)
- March: “Glorious Instants, Perpetual Recurrences: Notes on Historical Change and the Concept of Politics in Sorel and Pareto” presented at “The Idea of Politics: History and Theory” (graduate student conference), King’s College, Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)
- May: “Legitimation of Power, Interpretation of Society, Construction of Consent: The Elitist Tradition and European Institution Building” presented at the 4th International Conference on European & International Political and Economic Affairs, Athens Institute for Education and Research (Athens, Greece)
- May: “Violence and Decadence: Sorelian Reflections on Contemporary Politics” presented at “Thinking the Present: The Beginnings and Ends of Political Theory” (graduate student conference), University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
- May: Panelist at the Conference on European Identity and Nationalism, Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ)